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The Solar HVAC Equipment Solutions You Deserve

Customized Excellence, One Green Unit at a Time

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Indoor Air Quality
Energy Savings
Indoor Growing
Other HVAC

Commercial & Residential Energy Systems

iAIRE, LLC is a leading designer and manufacturer of HVAC, solar energy, and air purification products for commercial, industrial, and residential applications. We are committed to delivering our customers exceptional products that provide excellent energy-saving solutions while improving environmental sustainability. You won’t find solutions with higher efficiency levels than you will from us. Contact our sales department to learn more.

Unique Solutions for All Industries

No matter what type of building you’re designing or what industry it’s in, we offer solutions that reduce a business’ reliance on fossil fuels to minimize its carbon footprint and climate change effects. We provide products for:

  • Businesses – The health and comfort of employees and customers are critical to an organization’s success. From climate control units to air purification, we offer solutions to save money and perform better than other brands.
  • Schools – Educational institutions can save money on energy expenses by reducing their reliance on fossil fuels and traditional forms of heating and cooling. Our air purification systems provide a healthier environment for students, teachers, and faculty.
  • Homes – Homebuyers today are more interested in houses equipped with innovative and sustainable energy equipment to reduce bills and carbon emission output. Our equipment increases property and resale values.
  • Indoor Grows – Create the ideal growing environment indoors without falling victim to unpredictable weather outdoors with unique climate control solutions from our suite of products.

The Highest Efficiency Units on the Market

iAIRE offers environmental products for HVAC installers and property builders to prevent climate change by reducing the need for gas-powered units that contribute ozone to the atmosphere causing irreversible effects. From rooftop units to solar-powered energy, we can equip you with everything you need to complete your installations with green products. Contact us to learn more.

Contact Our Sales Department