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We’re Growing

We are excited to announce our upcoming move to a new, state-of-the-art facility in Kissimmee, Florida that will triple the size of our current location.
The expansion is designed to support iAIRE’s rapid growth, with more space for innovation, production, and team collaboration.


Our History

iAIRE, LLC was founded in 2013 with the concept of adding ionization to outside air systems that provide energy savings for commercial business operators and healthier, cleaner air for their employees and customers. As the benefits of our ionization products have been realized and our business has grown, our product offerings have increased. Today, we design and manufacture the highest efficiency units on the market, serving businesses across all industries and homeowners, joining in the effort to reduce harmful emissions output and alter the path of climate change.

Our Mission Statement

To be recognized as the undisputed leader in customized and eco-friendly HVAC equipment, focusing on delivering innovative and sustainable solutions to the global community.

Our Vision

To build a world-class organization to serve the global HVAC market by developing and delivering efficient, reliable, and cost-effective custom solutions through the combination of advanced technologies and expertise.

Meet Our Amazing Team

Joe Finkam


With a wealth of knowledge in manufacturing operations and a proficient background in mechanical engineering, Joe Finkam has made a success in crafting standout HVAC innovation. His vision and ability to recognize opportunity in a crowded and competitive market have allowed him to continue producing distinguished yet humble solutions for who matter the most – families in our communities. Joe is devoted to quality, cost-effective indoor air technology that provides year-round comfort everyone deserves.

Chuck Eno

Executive Vice President

With over 30 years of experience in HVAC&R, iAIRE’s Executive Vice President Chuck Eno is the brains behind the DOAS technology manufactured by iAire. Chuck is responsible for the sales of all iAire products. He works with both the executive team, making sure production is timely and efficient, and with the sales team, ensuring products meet customer demands. Chuck has excellent communication and organizational skills and multi-tasks with ease.

When he’s not working, Chuck enjoys spending time with his family, including his grandson. He’s passionate about music, is an avid drummer and enjoys playing other instruments too.

Joe Johnson

Chief Operating Officer

Joe Johnson has added knowledge and leadership to iAIRE since joining the team in 2015. He has been a leading contributor to many of the processes and procedures currently being used across the company. Joe has risen in the ranks over the years, serving in roles including Production Floor Supervisor, Quality Manager, Purchasing Manager, and various other roles. He attributes his growth to his faith, family, and friends. Joe’s ability to develop and implement new processes & procedures goes well beyond the production floor. His caring nature and passion for people give him a unique perspective in developing top notch employees.

Amanda Johnson

Director of Personnel

Amanda Johnson joined our team in 2017 and eventually transitioned into her current role in May 2022.

Amanda is the driving force behind our team of admins and helps us stay organized and focused on the tasks at hand. She brings over ten years of management experience to iAIRE and provides a unique perspective when addressing tasks that come across her desk.

Amanda is also a mother and an award-winning makeup artist and body painter. She is very active in the body paint community in Orlando, FL.

Serving All Industries

We are based in Indiana with manufacturing in Florida, serving businesses, industrial complexes, and more all over the United States. Our extensive offering appeals to building operators committed to improving air quality for customers and workers while keeping HVAC operating costs low in buildings such as hospitals, public schools, financial institutions, shopping malls, churches, synagogues, government buildings, office parks, athletic complexes, and more.

Better Performance and Cleaner Air Starts Here

It all starts at iAIRE. For solutions that offer cleaner air, reduce costs, and operate in environmentally friendly ways, contact our team. We can answer all of your questions about which products will enhance your HVAC system to its full potential. All of our options are designed and manufactured here in the United States and provide sustainable energy options for businesses nationwide. Contact us to learn more.

Our Products

Not all businesses or buildings have the same needs and goals. We can offer a customized package of products that will work for you to improve air quality, keep operating costs low, and improve the efficiency of your HVAC unit. Choose from:

For more information about our products, please contact us.